Cyber Odyssey
[Verse 1]
Virtuality is like a cage,
where we bury our pain and rage,
always planning the same routine,
where nothing happens in between.
[Verse 2]
Everywhere I am just a number,
to be discarded as a scumber.
Brave new world, Brave,
a social page shall be my grave.
Look in my eyes:
no one does this any more.
Cold as ice:
in that display all else you ignore.
Every day:
we cross our paths in silence.
We need a way:
or our fate shall be skyless.
[Verse 3]
Only bots answer me now,
but it's funny as talking to a cow,
they are lacking conscience or empathy,
neither understanding nor sympathy.
[Verse 4]
But I will keep looking for you,
my delicate kindred soul.
For us the sky is still blue,
and the cyberworld a shithole.
Caspita! Sei proprio ferrato per le rime 😉 Mi piace molto la versione musicale.
RispondiEliminaGrazie Dasha! Versione musicale ne esiste anche una più estesa. Ho pubblicato su youtube quella accorciata sia perché la ritenevo più fruibile, sia per facilitarmi la vita col montaggio (tutte le immagini le ho realizzate con ideogram e poi animate con Runway e Luma).